A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has donated, purchased a tshirt, pin, patch, raffle ticket, bought a copy of The Book of Haunters or made a donation. And all the amazing artists who donated items and the haunts who have joined on since we started.
Some of the amazing kids from Louisville Youth Group.
Pride of Indy Band
GBLT Center of Colorado - Denver
Stacie Walls-Beegle, Christopher Reybrouck and Charles M. Kirtland of LGBT Life Center
Paulo T Raya-Guffin, GSA Volunteer
High Desert Equality (on Friday the 13th) in Victorville, California
The Living Room for LGBTQ+ Youth in Milwaukie, Oregon
Nancy Mullen, Executive Director, and Carrie Noe
of Youth Outlook in Illinois.
Carmen Wampler-Collins, Jacob Boyd and Shannon Wampler-Collins of PCSO Lexington, KY
Glenn L. Means III from Imperial Court of Kentucky
With Jon Parker, Executive Director of
AVOL, Lexington, KY
The board of Open Arms
in San Angelo, Texas
The OutFront Minnesota staff zooming in! (Minneapolis, MN)
Diverse & Resilient/RAY staff from Milwaukee, WI
The Haven staff from Memphis, TN
Camp Beacon Execs • Lexington, KY